
I am a Postdoc Researcher at IME-USP, in São Paulo.


Research interests:


  1. Pedro Araújo

    On the anti-Ramsey threshold for non-balanced graphs.

    P. Araújo, T. Martins, L. Mattos, W. Mendonça, L. Moreira, and G. O. Mota.

    To appear in Electronic Journal of Combinatorics.

  2. Sören Berger

    The size-Ramsey number of powers of bounded degree trees.

    S. Berger, Y. Kohayakawa, G. S. Maesaka, T. Martins, G. O. Mota, W. Mendonça, and O. Parczyk.

    Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 103(4), pp.1314-1332, 2021.

  3. Fábio Botler


    F. Botler, M. Collares, T. Martins, W. Mendonça, R. Morris, and G. O. Mota.

    Livro. 33º Colóquio Brasileiro de Matemática. Editora do IMPA, p. 318, 2021.

    Prêmio Elon Lages Lima 2023.

  4. Maurício Collares


    F. Botler, M. Collares, T. Martins, W. Mendonça, R. Morris, and G. O. Mota.

    Livro. 33º Colóquio Brasileiro de Matemática. Editora do IMPA, p. 318, 2021.

    Prêmio Elon Lages Lima 2023.

  5. Jan Corsten

    Tiling edge-coloured graphs with few monochromatic bounded-degree graphs.

    J. Corsten and W. Mendonça.

    To appear in Combinatorica.

  6. Yoshiharu Kohayakawa

    Covering 3-coloured random graphs with monochromatic trees.

    Y. Kohayakawa, G. O. Mota, W. Mendonça, and B. Schülke.

    SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 35(2), pp.1447-1459, 2021.

    The size-Ramsey number of powers of bounded degree trees.

    S. Berger, Y. Kohayakawa, G. S. Maesaka, T. Martins, G. O. Mota, W. Mendonça, and O. Parczyk.

    Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 103(4), pp.1314-1332, 2021.

  7. Anita Liebenau

    Asymmetric Ramsey properties of random graphs involving cliques and cycles.

    A. Liebenau, L. Mattos, W. Mendonça, and J. Skokan.

    Random Structures & Algorithms, 62(4), pp.1035--1055, 2023.

  8. Giulia S. Maesaka

    The size-Ramsey number of powers of bounded degree trees.

    S. Berger, Y. Kohayakawa, G. S. Maesaka, T. Martins, G. O. Mota, W. Mendonça, and O. Parczyk.

    Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 103(4), pp.1314-1332, 2021.

  9. Taísa Martins


    F. Botler, M. Collares, T. Martins, W. Mendonça, R. Morris, and G. O. Mota.

    Livro. 33º Colóquio Brasileiro de Matemática. Editora do IMPA, p. 318, 2021.

    Prêmio Elon Lages Lima 2023.

    On the anti-Ramsey threshold for non-balanced graphs.

    P. Araújo, T. Martins, L. Mattos, W. Mendonça, L. Moreira, and G. O. Mota.

    To appear in Electronic Journal of Combinatorics.

    The size-Ramsey number of powers of bounded degree trees.

    S. Berger, Y. Kohayakawa, G. S. Maesaka, T. Martins, G. O. Mota, W. Mendonça, and O. Parczyk.

    Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 103(4), pp.1314-1332, 2021.

  10. Letícia Mattos

    On the anti-Ramsey threshold for non-balanced graphs.

    P. Araújo, T. Martins, L. Mattos, W. Mendonça, L. Moreira, and G. O. Mota.

    To appear in Electronic Journal of Combinatorics.

    Asymmetric Ramsey properties of random graphs involving cliques and cycles.

    A. Liebenau, L. Mattos, W. Mendonça, and J. Skokan.

    Random Structures & Algorithms, 62(4), pp.1035--1055, 2023.

  11. Luiz Moreira

    On the anti-Ramsey threshold for non-balanced graphs.

    P. Araújo, T. Martins, L. Mattos, W. Mendonça, L. Moreira, and G. O. Mota.

    To appear in Electronic Journal of Combinatorics.

  12. Rob Morris


    F. Botler, M. Collares, T. Martins, W. Mendonça, R. Morris, and G. O. Mota.

    Livro. 33º Colóquio Brasileiro de Matemática. Editora do IMPA, p. 318, 2021.

    Prêmio Elon Lages Lima 2023.

  13. Guilherme O. Mota


    F. Botler, M. Collares, T. Martins, W. Mendonça, R. Morris, and G. O. Mota.

    Livro. 33º Colóquio Brasileiro de Matemática. Editora do IMPA, p. 318, 2021.

    Prêmio Elon Lages Lima 2023.

    On the anti-Ramsey threshold for non-balanced graphs.

    P. Araújo, T. Martins, L. Mattos, W. Mendonça, L. Moreira, and G. O. Mota.

    To appear in Electronic Journal of Combinatorics.

    Covering 3-coloured random graphs with monochromatic trees.

    Y. Kohayakawa, G. O. Mota, W. Mendonça, and B. Schülke.

    SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 35(2), pp.1447-1459, 2021.

    The size-Ramsey number of powers of bounded degree trees.

    S. Berger, Y. Kohayakawa, G. S. Maesaka, T. Martins, G. O. Mota, W. Mendonça, and O. Parczyk.

    Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 103(4), pp.1314-1332, 2021.

  14. Olaf Parczyk

    The size-Ramsey number of powers of bounded degree trees.

    S. Berger, Y. Kohayakawa, G. S. Maesaka, T. Martins, G. O. Mota, W. Mendonça, and O. Parczyk.

    Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 103(4), pp.1314-1332, 2021.

  15. Bjarne Schülke

    Covering 3-coloured random graphs with monochromatic trees.

    Y. Kohayakawa, G. O. Mota, W. Mendonça, and B. Schülke.

    SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 35(2), pp.1447-1459, 2021.

  16. Jozef Skokan

    Asymmetric Ramsey properties of random graphs involving cliques and cycles.

    A. Liebenau, L. Mattos, W. Mendonça, and J. Skokan.

    Random Structures & Algorithms, 62(4), pp.1035--1055, 2023.